Utopie pratiche. I primi passi delle democrazie comunitarie ecologiche emergenti: riflessioni comparate sulle comunità amazzoniche e quelle italiane e le loro innovative proposte giuridiche

Title: Practical utopias. The first steps of emerging ecological community democracies: comparative reflections on the Amazonian and Italian communities and their innovative legal proposals    Abstract: Il contributo, attraverso una riflessione comparativa, intende focalizzare l’attenzione sul fenomeno dell’emergere e del moltiplicarsi di piccole democrazie comunitarie ecologiche e sulle loro proposte innovative. Tali comunità si strutturano attorno a valori comuni, principalmente quello della cura ambientale e dell’aiuto reciproco tra i membri. Tra le somiglianze, rilevate tra comunità geograficamente e culturalmente distanti, spicca l’esigenza di dialogo con lo stato centrale. Emerge la… Continua a leggere


ABSTRACT The article examines some psychological aspects typically found in professional actors. It reports what was said about it by Ancient Greeks, William Shakespeare, Sigmund Freud, Luigi Pirandello, Otto Fenichel, Hanns Sachs and Abraham Arden Brill and what were the psychopathologies (depression, narcissism, anorexia nervosa etc.) that affected some entertainers, such as, Michael Jackson, Amy Jade Winehouse, Veronica Lake and Roby Williams. Finally, it illustrates why many of us wear masks and why  we can all consider ourselves amateur “actors”.   KEY WORDS: narcissism, masks, identification, projection, ego   RIASSUNTO L’articolo… Continua a leggere


Area tematica: Psicologia ABSTRACT Certain psychopathological aspects and specific diagnoses of four XX century dictators (Stalin, Mao, Hitler and Mussolini) are described, discussed and compared. Their childhood experiences, their attachment to parents, their education and their occupation prior to becoming dictators portray a relationship to becoming megalomaniac sadists. They were all narcissists and some were considered gods by the naive and unaware people they ruled even if all of them become involved in World War II where about 30 million of their citizens died. The article also briefly describes other… Continua a leggere

Sul modernismo italiano / On Italian Modernism

Area tematica: Critica letteraria Abstract – L’articolo illustra la validità della categoria del modernismo, recentemente conquistata anche nella teoria e nella critica della letteratura italiana, prima tracciandone una breve storia, dopo individuandone alcuni fondamenti e raccontandone alcuni autori, sul versante della poesia e della prosa. Parole chiave: modernismo – modernismo letterario – letteratura italiana – critica letteraria – teoria della letteratura – storia della letteratura   Abstract – This paper aims to describe the worth of Modernism category, recently mastered in Italian literary theory and criticism, on the one hand… Continua a leggere

Dal fonografo a WhatsApp

Area tematica: Filosofie della comunicazione Abstract – This is an analysis of some forms of voice communication, considering the real-time of telephone communication and the deferred time of a voice note. This, to focus on the change from a telephone conversation to recorded dialogue. If in everyday life we feel more and more freed by the wire of the telephone and we prefer another kind of message, the choice of the voice note is vehicled by its simple communication form. It is so immediate that it can be considered in… Continua a leggere