Geographies of the Anthropocene: Prorogata la scadenza della Call “The Anthropocene and islands: vulnerability, adaptation and resilience to natural hazards and climate change”
Collana Scientifica “Geographies of the Anthropocene” (Il Sileno Edizioni): È stata prorogata al 15 febbraio 2020 la scadenza per l’invio di abstract relativi alla Call for Book Chapters “The Anthropocene and islands: vulnerability, adaptation and resilience to natural hazards and climate change”, curata da Miquel Grimalt Gelabert, Director of the Geography Department, University of the Balearic Islands, Spagna, Anton Micallef, Director of Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Insular Dynamics, University of Malta, Malta, Joan Rossello Geli, Research Group of Climatology, Hydrology, Hazards and Landscape, University of the Balearic Islands, Spagna: Eventuali… Continua a leggere