Those wishing to propose a collective volume should prepare a 500 words abstract.
The proposal must seek to address the aims and scopes of the book series.
Normally, two collective volumes are published each year, in the months of March/April and November/December.
Proposals must be sent to the following address:
Call for Book Chapters
Narratives in the Anthropocene Era
Edited by
Charles Travis
(Department of History, University of Texas, Arlington, USA; Trinity Centre for the Environmental Humanities, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland);
Vittorio Valentino
(Faculté des Lettres de Arts et des Humanités, FLAHM, Université de la Manouba, Tunis, Tunisie);
Dear Colleagues,
we would like to inform you that the 7th Call for Book Chapters of “Geographies of the Anthropocene” book series is intended to become a collective volume titled: Narratives in the Anthropocene Era (Language: English), edited by Charles Travis (University of Texas, Arlington, USA) and Vittorio Valentino (Faculté des Lettres de Arts et des Humanités, FLAHM, Université de la Manouba, Tunis, Tunisie).
The arrival of the Covid-19 virus seems, then, only the last act in date of a situation that has lasted for decades, the consequence of a geological epoch, that of the Anthropocene, characterized by the unstoppable impact of human action on the biosphere and on every category of living beings. An era that is progressively affirmed in the literary and social imagination, where nature acquires an increasingly autonomous narrative force, no longer filtered by the human gaze of the subject that observes it. The result is a set of new data that no longer see the interest of human beings as the only legitimate, in which the commitment of writers/artists/scholars assumes a more complex referentiality, constituted by a widespread ecological ethic that fits into today’s society by changing its priorities.
If it is true that, as Victor Hugo said, “nothing is stronger than an idea whose time has come”, we are now facing a key moment to transform the old anthropocentric resolutions into a new dynamic of care, for which, the non-human environment is constituted as a presence and not as a framework, suggesting that human history is intertwined in natural history (Buell, 1995).
Based on these assumptions, the volume that we intend to propose has multiple intentions: starting from the horizon of human and social sciences at the time of Anthropocene, it aims at investigating, in different areas, the ethical-pedagogical potential that the pandemic can leave in its wake, in order to understand if these are able to positively contribute to the fight against the environmental crisis in progress.
The perspective we intend to include opens with disaster studies, the study of social and behavioral aspects in situations of collective stress, born from natural hazards or shortages of vital resources, a narrative of scientific knowledge, through the exploration of the case studies on global, but also local, environmental vulnerabilities, and their eventual recovery.
Continuing with ecocritical studies, we will reflect on the role of literature in the possible ecological-environmental awareness of readers, encouraging an empathetic transformation in front of the fate of the living non-human, with which the human shares the biosphere and the urgency of their own survival. It becomes interesting to explore both the treatment and exposition of scientific knowledge in literary texts, the stylistic integration and cognitive impact, as well as the representation of wounds inflicted by human beings to the environment, all fundamental elements of the new sensitivity that confirm ecocriticism among the most important methods of literary analysis, and as survival strategy, of the last decade.
In the context of a global examination of the possible lessons to be drawn from the advent of the current Covid-19 pandemic, it could be said that every action or event happening on earth is linked to a chain of other events through an infallible system of cause and effect: the repercussions due to the alteration of one of the links of the aforementioned chain would be likely to lead to the destruction of the whole apparatus. If, however, at first sight, what we are experiencing could be the ‘local’ imbalance of an ecosystem (the Asian one) with planetary consequences, the reality on the state of the planet could be more complex, and the urgency even more pressing.
Every day we discover the effects and the new narratives related to the advent of the pandemic, beginning with the familiarization with some terms, that were until recently used exclusively in purely medical-scientific fields, to which this situation has led. «Zoonoses», «asymptomatic» or the term «pandemic», flanked by the more generic but strongly in use «lockdown», express, precisely through an invasive diffusion in our daily lives, the unprecedented character of a situation that now involves the total precariousness, and sometimes the destruction of any kind of balance between human and non-human.
This volume, which focuses on the narration of the loss of harmony, aims to establish a theoretical panorama for the reactivation, within the elements of our anthropocentric contemporaneity, of unsolved old questions about the position of human beings on earth. At the same time, it intends to establish new questions on how to create new ethically possible relationships with the biosphere and the beings that inhabit it. Thus, extracting, from an unprecedented situation, derived from an “outdated ” and no longer sustainable way of being in the world, new elements for a reborn condition of existence built around the oikos. A “home” to which to apply the concept of care, care for a living body, in a deep vision that transforms the human through an ethics of action, and active and conscious protection of the ecosystem.
We would like to point out to the authors that the volume will welcome contributions oriented on human and social sciences, geo-ethics, human geography, natural sciences, and on pedagogy related to environmental protection. Among the possible topics that may be covered, we mention:
– The literary forms that recount and raise awareness of the ecological crisis, through literary creation, which produces a new dynamic between writer, reader and environment.
– The urgency of new environmental policies capable of reversing a system of blind exploitation of natural resources, through a completely new educational vision, which implies that taking care of the earth be among the top priorities of the planet.
– Presentation of case studies on scenarios and geographical representations of the Anthropocene on a global and local scale.
– The ethical-pedagogical potential of the current pandemic situation.
– The narration of scientific knowledge related to environmental disasters in global and local context, for a reflection devoted to the reconstruction of ecosystems.
Keywords: ethics, environment, crisis, narration, human geography, preservation, resources, arts, Anthropocene
Critical bibliography
Biancofiore Angela, 2015, “Ethique de la terre et appropriation du vivant”, Notos, n°3-2015.
Buell Lawrence, 1995, The Environmental Imagination: Thoreau, Nature Writing and the Formation of American Culture, Cambridge, MA : Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.
Buell Lawrence, 2001, Writing for an Endangered World. Literature, Culture, and Environment in the U.S. and Beyond, Harvard, Harvard University Press.
Cassano Franco, [1998] 2007, Il pensiero meridiano, Bari, Laterza.
Clark Timothy, 2010, The Cambridge Introduction to Literature and the Environment, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
Cook Alice and Kirk Gwyn, [1982] 2016, Des femmes contre des missiles : rêves, idées et actions à Greenham Common, trad. par Cécile Potier, Paris, Cambourakis.
D’Eaubonne Françoise, [1978] 2018, Écologie et féminisme : révolution ou mutation ?, Paris, Libre et Solidaire.
De Pascale Francesco, Dattilo Valeria, 2021, The Geoethical Semiosis of the Anthropocene: The Peircean Triad for a Reconceptualization of the Relationship between Human Beings and Environment, Annals of the Association of American Geographers (in press).
Hache Émilie et Larrère Catherine, 2016, Reclaim : recueil de textes écoféministes, trad. par Émilie Notéris, Paris, Cambourakis.
Holm Poul, and Travis Charles, 2017, The new human condition and climate change: Humanities and social science perceptions of threat. Global and Planetary Change, 156:112-14. doi:10.1016/j.gloplacha.2017.08.013.
Guattari Félix, La Cerla Franco, [1989] 2019, Le tre ecologie, Milano, Edizioni Sonda.
Inglehart Ronald F., 1998, La società postmoderna. Mutamento, ideologie e valori in 43 paesi, Roma, Editori Riuniti.
Haraway Donna, [1984] 2007, « Manifeste Cyborg », dans D. Haraway, L. Allard, D. Gardey et N. Magnan, Manifeste cyborg et autres essais : Sciences – Fictions – Féminismes, Paris, Exils Éditeur.
Haraway Donna, 1988, « Situated Knowledges: the Science Question in Feminism and the Privilege of partial Pespective », Feminist Studies, vol. 14, no 3, p. 575-599.
Iovino Serenella, 2006, Ecologia letteraria. Una strategia di sopravvivenza, Milano, Edizioni Ambiente.
Larue Anne, 2010, Fiction, féminisme et postmodernité : les voies subversives du roman contemporain à grand succès, Paris, Classiques Garnier.
Laugier Sandra, 2015, « Care, environnement et éthique globale », Cahiers du Genre, no 59, p. 127-152.
Margantin Laurent, 2006, Kenneth White et la géopoétique, Paris, L’Harmattan.
Merchant Carolyn, 1980, The Death of Nature: Women, Ecology, and the Scientific Revolution, San Francisco, Harper and Row.
Mies Maria and Vandana Shiva, [1993] 1998, Écoféminisme, trad. par Édith Rubinstein, Paris, Montréal, L’Harmattan.
Næss Arne, 1989, “From ecology to ecosophy, from science to wisdom”, in World Futures: The Journal of New Paradigm Research, 27: 2-4, pp. 185-190.
Nixon Rob, 2011, Slow Violence and the Environmentalism of the Poor, Cambridge, Harvard University Press.
Romestaing Alain, Schoentjes Pierre, Simon Anne, éds, « Écopoétiques », 2015, in Revue critique de fixxion française contemporaine, n° 11,
Shiva Vandana, 2010, Staying Alive: Women, Ecology and Development, Brooklyn, New York, South End Press.
Salabé Caterina ed., 2013, Ecocritica. La letteratura e la crisi del pianeta, Roma, Donzelli.
Starhawk, [2002] 2016, Chroniques altermondialistes : tisser la toile du soulèvement global, trad. par Isabelle Stengers, Édith Rubinstein et Alix Grzybowski, Paris, Cambourakis.
Starhawk, 1993, The Fifth Sacred Thing, New York, Bantam Dell Pub Group.
Starhawk, 1979, The Spiral Dance: A Rebirth of the Ancient Religion of the Great Goddess, San Francisco, Harper and Row.
White Kenneth, 1987, L’esprit nomade, Paris, Grasset.
Young Iris Marion, 1990, Justice and the Politics of Difference, Princeton, NJ, Princeton University Press.
Important Dates:
February 15, 2021: Book Chapter Proposal deadline;
February 28, 2021: Acceptance/Rejection Notification;
May 15, 2021: Full Chapter Submission;
July 31, 2021: Review notification;
October 15, 2021: Final version chapter submission;
November/December 2021: Final e-book version available.
Submission Procedure:
Interested authors should submit their proposals (max 500 words) by February 15, 2021, explaining the main topic and the objectives of the chapter.
The manuscript proposals (Word or PDF) must be sent to the following address:
Acceptance/Rejection notification will be sent to the authors by February 28, 2021. After the acceptance notification, authors should submit full chapters by May 15, 2021 formatting their manuscripts following the Editor’s guidelines.
The manuscript word count must be between 4500 – 6000 words. This includes tables, illustrations, references, etc. All submissions will be reviewed in a double-blind manner.
Download Call for Book Chapters
Call for Book Chapters
Global threats in the Anthropocene: from COVID-19 to the future
Edited by
Leonardo Mercatanti (University of Palermo, Italy),
Stefano Montes (University of Palermo, Italy),
Dear Colleagues,
we would like to inform you that the sixth Call for Book Chapters of “Geographies of the Anthropocene” series is intended to become a collective and multilingual volume titled: “Global threats in the Anthropocene: from COVID-19 to the future” (Languages: English, French and Italian)
The 2020 pandemic offers food for thought and an opportunity for humanities and science scholars who research our global condition to collaborate. The society of 21st century is facing an unprecedented challenge right now: What can we learn from this challenge? Will everything really return to what we have defined as ‘normal’ before at the end of the emergency? Most likely not. Structural changes from political, economic, social, and environmental perspectives are already occuring, and impacting the fields of health, education, commerce, governance and travel. Concepts of social space are being redefined and rethought at various scales. Our society, unprepared for a global health emergency of this scale, has been engaged only partially in practices of mitigation and sustainability and we now realize the fragility of our planetary existence.
In this volume of “Geographies of the Anthropocene” we intend to study the new geo-anthropological scenarios that lie ahead in the aftermath of the COVID-19 crisis. Main research topics are:
- Local experiences of territorial resilience;
- Mobility and environment;
- Geoethics, zoonosis, loss of biodiversity and anthropic activities;
- Tourism and pandemic;
- Old and new forms of marginality;
- Redefine the society/societies;
- Think and rethink everyday life;
- Old and new forms of security and freedom;
- Forms of spontaneous and requested solidarity;
- New forms of sociality and rituals;
- Scientific disputes;
- Distance learning, virtual interaction and social recreation;
- Domestic and working life;
- Ethnographies and emergency psychologies for an anthropology of health.
Important dates:
July 15, 2020: Book Chapter Proposal deadline
July 31, 2020: Acceptance / Rejection Notification;
October 31, 2020: Full Chapter Submission;
December 31, 2020: Review notification;
February 28, 2021: Final version chapter submission;
April 2021: Final e-book version available;
Submission Procedure:
Interested authors should submit their proposals (max 500 words) by July 15, 2020, explaining the main topic and the objectives of the chapter. The manuscript proposals (Word or PDF) must be sent by email to the following address: Acceptance/Rejection notification will be sent to the authors by July 31, 2020.
After the acceptance notification, authors should submit full chapters by October 31, 2020 formatting their manuscripts following the Editor’s guidelines:
The manuscript word count must be between 4500 – 6000 words. This includes tables, illustrations, references, etc. All submissions will be reviewed in a double-blind manner.
Italian language
Call for Book Chapters
Minacce globali nell’Antropocene: dal COVID-19 al futuro
Desideriamo rendere noto che la sesta Call for Book Chapters della serie “Geographies of the Anthropocene” è destinata a diventare un volume collettivo e multilingue dal titolo “Minacce globali nell’Antropocene: dal COVID-19 al futuro” (Lingue: inglese, francese, italiano).
Descrizione e obiettivi
La pandemia del 2020 offre spunti di riflessione e un’opportunità di collaborazione per i cultori degli studi umanistici e scientifici, sulle nostre condizioni globali.
La società del XXI secolo è sottoposta ad una sfida senza precedenti: cosa potremmo imparare da questa sfida? Tornerà davvero tutto com’era prima alla fine dell’emergenza? Molto probabilmente no: ci saranno cambiamenti strutturali sotto il profilo economico, sociale, ambientale, che andranno ad incidere sui settori della salute, dell’istruzione, del commercio, della governance e dei viaggi. Anche il concetto di spazio si appresta ad essere ridefinito e ripensato. La nostra società, impreparata ad un’emergenza sanitaria globale di tale portata, è stata impegnata solo parzialmente in pratiche di mitigazione e di sostenibilità e solo ora ci rendiamo conto della fragilità della nostra esistenza planetaria. In questo volume della collana “Geographies of the Anthropocene” si intendono studiare i nuovi scenari geo-antropologici che si prospettano all’indomani della crisi da COVID-19. Si segnalano alcune linee di ricerca da preferire:
- Esperienze locali di resilienza dei territori;
- Mobilità e ambiente;
- Geoetica, zoonosi, perdita di biodiversità e attività antropiche;
- Turismo e pandemia;
- Vecchie e nuove forme di marginalità;
- Ridefinire la società/le società;
- Pensare e ripensare il quotidiano;
- Vecchie e nuove forme di sicurezza e libertà;
- Forme di solidarietà spontanea e richiesta;
- Nuove forme di socialità e ritualità;
- Diatribe scientifiche;
- Didattica a distanza, interazione virtuale e ricreazione della socialità;
- Vita domestica e vita lavorativa;
- Etnografie e psicologie dell’emergenza per un’antropologia della salute.
Date importanti:
15 luglio 2020: termine di presentazione della proposta/abstract;
31 luglio 2020: Notifica di accettazione / rifiuto;
31 ottobre 2020: invio del capitolo completo;
31 dicembre 2020: notifica dopo il processo di double-blind peer review;
28 febbraio 2021: presentazione del capitolo nella versione finale, revisionata;
Aprile 2021: Pubblicazione del volume.
Procedura di presentazione:
Gli autori interessati dovrebbero presentare le loro proposte (massimo 500 parole) entro il 15 luglio 2020, illustrando il tema principale e gli obiettivi del contributo. Le proposte di manoscritto (Word o PDF) devono essere inviate al seguente indirizzo e-mail:
La notifica di accettazione / rifiuto sarà inviata agli autori entro il 31 luglio 2020.
Dopo la notifica di accettazione, gli autori dovranno inviare i capitoli completi entro il 31 ottobre 2020, adeguando il testo alle norme editoriali della serie:
La lunghezza del manoscritto deve essere compresa tra 4500 e 6000 parole. Nel conteggio dovranno essere incluse tabelle, illustrazioni, riferimenti, ecc. Tutti i capitoli saranno soggetti a double-blind peer review.
French language
Appel à contribution
Menaces globales dans l’Anthropocène : de COVID-19 à l’avenir
Chers collègues,
Nous vous informons que le sixième appel de la collection “Géographies de l’Anthropocène” est ouvert pour la publication d’un volume collectif et multilingue intitulé: “Menaces globales dans l’Anthropocène : de COVID-19 à l’avenir” (Langues: anglais, français, italien).
La pandémie de 2020 donne matière à réflexion et donne l’occasion aux spécialistes des sciences humaines et scientifiques de travailler ensemble sur la situation mondiale.
La société du XXIe siècle est confrontée à un défi sans précédent : que pouvons-nous apprendre de ce défi ? Tout redeviendra-t-il vraiment comme avant à la fin de l’urgence ? Très probablement pas : il y aura des changements structurels en termes économiques, sociaux, environnementaux et sociaux qui affecteront les secteurs de la santé, de l’éducation, du commerce, de la gouvernance et des voyages. Le concept d’espace est également sur le point d’être redéfini et repensé. Notre société, non préparée à une urgence sanitaire mondiale de cette ampleur, n’a été que partiellement engagée dans des pratiques d’atténuation et de durabilité et nous ne réalisons que maintenant la fragilité de notre existence planétaire. Dans ce volume de la série “Geographies of the Anthropocene”, nous avons l’intention d’étudier les nouveaux scénarios géo-anthropologiques qui se dessinent au lendemain de la crise COVID-19. Il y a quelques axes de recherche à privilégier :
- Les expériences locales de résilience des territoires ;
- Mobilité et environnement ;
- Géoéthique, zoonoses, perte de biodiversité et activités humaines ;
- Tourisme et pandémie ;
- Les anciennes et les nouvelles formes de marginalité ;
- Redéfinir la/les société(s) ;
- Penser et repenser le quotidien ;
- Les anciennes et les nouvelles formes de sécurité et de liberté ;
- Formes de solidarité spontanée et demandée ;
- Nouvelles formes de socialité et de ritualité ;
- Controverses scientifiques ;
- L’apprentissage à distance, l’interaction virtuelle et la recréation de la socialité ;
- La vie domestique et professionnelle ;
- Ethnographie et psychologie d’urgence pour une anthropologie de la santé.
Dates importantes:
15 juillet 2020: date limite pour la proposition des chapitres du livre;
31 juillet 2020: Notification d’acceptation / de refus;
31 octobre 2020: soumission du chapitre complet;
31 décembre 2020: notification du resultat de la révue;
28 février 2021: soumission du chapitre de la version finale;
Avril 2021: version finale du livre électronique disponible.
Instructions aux auteurs:
Les auteurs intéressés doivent soumettre leurs propositions (maximum 500 mots) avant le 15 juillet 2020, en expliquant le thème principal et les objectifs du chapitre. Les propositions de manuscrit (Word ou PDF) doivent être envoyées à l’adresse suivante:
La notification d’acceptation / de refus sera envoyée aux auteurs avant le 31 juillet 2020. Après la notification d’acceptation, les auteurs doivent envoyer les chapitres complets avant le 31 octobre 2020, en formatant leurs manuscrits conformément aux directives de l’éditeur:
Le nombre de mots du manuscrit doit être compris entre 4 500 et 6 000, y compris les tableaux, les illustrations, les références, etc. Tous les textes reçus seront évalués via un système anonyme d’au moins deux réviseurs